Tuesday, 6 November 2012

How To Use Hindi Font In Android

Now a days many developers trying to use Hindi font in there Android application and they are not getting the perfect way to use it.  I got one way to use Hindi font in Android application. Follow below steps:

1) First of all you have to save your font (mangal.ttf)

2) Make one empty folder "font" under the assets folder under your project. then copy your font to the "font" folder.

3) Then you have to initialize Typeface :

                 Typeface face1 = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"fonts/mangal.ttf");

4)Then initialize your control in which you want to display Hindi Words or sentences.

                TextView tv = new TextView();
                tv.setText("मनीष बुराडे");

5) Then you have to use Typeface :


6) Run your application and enjoy with the Hindi font.

Note:- This code is not working with "SpinnerView".

Happy coding....:)